Medicals and Forms

We are able to perform a number of non-NHS, or private, services. These include Private Sick notes, Malaria prescriptions, Letter of Medical Fact, Short letter of opinion, Short medical form, Childminder health form, certain pre-employment medicals, GP Reports, Formal Assessment of Mental Capacity, Formal Adoption Medicals.

Please ask at reception if you require further details/information regarding fees.

Enhanced Health Checks

What is an Enhanced Health Check?

An Enhanced Health Check (EHC) is very similar to a standard NHS Health Check in that it aims to help improve an individual’s health and wellbeing.

Everyone is at risk of developing some conditions and finding out about things that could be impacting on your health or health conditions that you did not know you had can be scary. However, the good news is these things can often be changed or prevented if they are found early enough. The purpose of the NHS Enhanced Health Check is to find things early so that we can make the right offer of support to you to help prevent things developing further.

The standard NHS Health Check can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease, and other conditions that we become more at risk of developing with age.

Across Lancashire and South Cumbria though there are some residents who qualify for a NHS Health Check (those aged 40-74 with no known conditions), and who we believe would benefit from further screening and support, which is why they are being offered an EHC. This looks at all of the above as well as further screening, vaccinations, and your mental and physical wellbeing.

What does having an Enhanced Health Check involve?

The EHC will consist of some questions about your mental and physical wellbeing, your lifestyle and other key factors that can affect your health such as food availability and your current housing security. It will also take some screening measurements such as your height and weight, as well as further tests such as blood pressure and a blood test. You may also be offered vaccinations where needed. Much like the standard NHS Health Check, you will then receive personalised advice and signposting or referral into appropriate services.

Well Person Checks

If you wish to have any health checks, please first discuss these with your doctor or Practice nurse.

We are unable to perform any investigations/tests unless they have been recommended/approved by one of our clinical team.

Treatment Room Service

Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Minor Surgery and Joint Injections

Minor Surgery
We have a fully equipped minor operations centre. Our doctors are able to perform many small operations here, for example, removal of skin lesions and in growing toenails.

Lumps and bumps removal
You will need to have seen a doctor regarding your problem before being placed on the minor operations list.

Joint Injections
Our doctors are able to perform joint injections, which may have been recommended by your usual doctor, or, for example, by a member of the physiotherapy team.

Minor Illness Clinic

We are pleased to be able to offer a clinic for those patients with a minor illness, who do not necessarily need to see a doctor. These clinics are run by our nursing team.

If you feel that your problem could be managed in the minor illness clinic (for example: ‘Flu-like symptoms, Earache, Sore throat, Fever, Rashes, Skin infections, Conjunctivitis, Coughs, Colds, Diarrhoea/vomiting, Cystitis or possible Water infections, Hay Fever, Headaches, Morning After Pill, Minor accidents, Sprains or strains) please book an appointment with reception.

Memory Assessment Service

Monday and Tuesdays.

Maternity services

Congratulations from everyone at Roman Road Health Centre. This section is designed to keep you informed about the pathway of care for you and your baby as you progress in this pregnancy.

Our reception staff will have confirmed with you that you have had a positive pregnancy test and recorded the first day of your last period. This information is sent to the midwife who is responsible for your care throughout the pregnancy. She will contact you to arrange the first visit, usually at home, to discuss your pregnancy. The midwife should be your first point of contact regarding any pregnancy concerns.

If you are not already doing so you should start taking a once a day supplement of Folic acid 400 micrograms and Vitamin D 10 micrograms. Folic acid should be taken at least until you are 12 weeks pregnant and Vitamin D should be continued throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Both of these are available from the pharmacy as Pregnacare.

Your midwife will inform you regarding scans, appointments and the place of delivery of your baby.

Once your baby has been delivered there are a few key landmarks for you both:

Birth. In hospital, your newborn baby should have a full physical examination by a doctor. If you are discharged from hospital and this has not taken place, please contact the practice immediately so that a doctor can visit to do this vital health check. Your midwife will visit you at home to support you and when she feels the time is right, she will hand your care over to the Health Visitor. Please register your baby with the practice as soon as possible after birth.

6 weeks. You and your baby should be seen by a doctor for a postnatal health review. This takes 30 minutes so please ensure that when you book this appointment you inform the receptionist that you require a 30-minute appointment. At this, the doctor will once again do a full examination of your baby and discuss with you any concerns. Please call at 4 weeks to book this appointment and also an appointment with the nurse for the 8-week immunisations.

8, 12 and 16 weeks. Your baby needs to be seen by our practice nurse for immunisation. Baby immunisation clinics are held twice weekly, appointments can be booked at reception. The nurse will explain what the immunisations are for and the protection that they give your baby. Please note that your baby is not safe to go swimming until completion of the second set of immunisations at 12 weeks.

We hope that all goes well for you during this pregnancy and we look forward to meeting your baby.

Flu Clinics

All patients over the age of 65, and those with long-standing conditions (also known as ‘Chronic Diseases’) affecting the heart/lungs/liver or nervous system, and those with diabetes, should have an annual influenza vaccine (‘flu jab’). It is also recommended for those in care homes, and people who are the carers for another individual. For full guidance on who should have a flu jab please click here.

Flu Clinics
Once our clinic sessions have been arranged for 2013 they will be shown here.

The clinics will be advertised nearer the time, at least one month prior to the clinic dates. Please look out for notice of these in the surgery, and on our website. If you are over 65, you will NOT receive a personal reminder letter about the flu jab: please remember to look out for news about the flu clinics.

Family Planning and Sexual Health

We are pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive family planning service. This includes General contraceptive advice Advice and prescriptions for the oral contraceptive pill Advice andprescriptions for the Morning-after pill (Emergency contraception) Advice about Long Acting Reversible methods of contraception (LARCs) ‘Depo’ injections Implants Intra-uterine devices (see below) Prescribe and administer ‘Depo’ injections Fitting of the Intra-uterine Device, IUD, (the ‘coil) and the Intra-Uterine System, IUS (Mirena).

If you wish to have the implant then you will be advised to make an appointment by contacting reception on 01254 282777.